
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Welcome Summer!

Well, here we are, 5 months from my last post and lots of things have happened since January. Ty and I both walked for USU graduation on May 7- We are so excited to be done!

After graduation we went to St. George with Tyler's brother and his family...we had so much fun! It was a nice vacation before our summer started. The weather was great so we played tennis and went to the pool every day. Ty and his bro decided they should wear tank tops and Ty got a sweet sunburn! We love St. George!

Our next big adventure is going to start in a couple of weeks-hopefully. We are moving to Salt Lake City because Tyler has decided to attend Law School at the University of Utah. I am excited to go back to Salt Lake and Ty is excited to begin Law School and we are both glad that we will still be near our family!
As for summer, I am taking a spanish class in Salt Lake every day so I am commuting back and forth (which I why I am hoping to get our moving show on the road so I won't have to drive anymore) and Tyler is working full time. We are hoping we will be able to take a few short vacas this summer before we officially become grown-ups!
Marrying Ty was the best decision I ever made. He is so ambitious and hard-working. Today I got home from Salt Lake and he had cleaned our entire apartment-even the toilet! I was amazed and so happy. He is such a great husband. I know this is cheesy and very un-like me to post info like this but I just have to give him a shout out!
Ok, so there is a story to this picture. We were at our friend's wedding and Tyler has grown his hair out so one of my friends wanted to take a pic since he is so dashing with his slicked-back hair. When Ty and I pose for photos, he puts his arm around my back and I put my arm across his stomach-it's just how we pose. My friend took the picture before we (well I) was in my set pose and my hand is still in motion-as you can see. So this is the end result and it looks bad but it was not meant to be inappropriate-I promise! My friend put it on facebook and we have had so many people make comments to us in person...haha. I love this picture-well just the top half :)