
Thursday, June 14, 2012

april, may, and a little bit of june

Apparently we have had a busy couple of months...I'm not sure what we have been doing but I know it hasn't consisted of blogging. I will be better. I can't remember the time chronologically so I will try to cover what we have done in whatever order I can remember it.

We went to St. George which consisted of both of our families, golf, pool/hot tub, relaxing, eating, a tour of the Brigham Young Home given by Ty's missionary mother, Melanie, and lots of memories.

Ty played in a golf tournament with some of his friends at Sunbrook

Ty's nephew was our personal concessions man for the Celtics game

We had to say goodbye to this sweet friend after he was hit by a car and had to have his leg amputated. It is a good thing we know that All Dogs Go to Heaven :)

We spent a weekend with Ty's brothers and their families. We went to a Utah Blaze game, City Creek, and ate yummy food.

Since the weather has been so nice we have tried to be outside more...walking, hiking, watching my nephew and Ty's neice play soccer, etc. A couple weeks ago we went with our friends and hiked to Ensign Peak-if you haven't done it, you should. It is a beautiful view of the Salt Lake Valley.

The opening day of the Salt Lake Farmer's Market was last week and I couldn't pass it up-Ty even enjoyed himself :)

We continue working every day and enjoying every second of our weekends. Tyler began his internship at the Matheson Court House a few weeks ago and seems to be enjoying it. I think he really enjoys not having to study all day every day and I know that I enjoy getting to spend time with him when I get home at night. Speaking of school, Tyler finished his first year of Law School! It seemed to go pretty quickly (knock-on-wood) and he did very well. He is working for the summer and will begin year 2 in August. I plan on getting in as much fun as we can this summer!

That said, there is one last piece of info that we have to share. We will be welcoming a Little Love Bug Raymond on December 10th and we are very excited. We feel so blessed to become parents and have been enjoying this time in life preparing to welcome a baby into our home. We love him/her already.

We hope life is treating all of our friends and family well and we hope you know how much we love and appreciate having you in our lives.

love cam & ty